Meet Our Team
Coming together is a beginning.
Keeping together is progress.
Working together is success.
- Henry Ford
Keeping together is progress.
Working together is success.
- Henry Ford
Principle Investigator
Eunha Kim (김은하), Ph.D.
Research Interests
- Immune-Neuro Interaction in CNS Physiology and Pathology
- Microbiome-Immune-Neuro Crosstalk
Ph.D. Department of Biological Sciences, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Republic of Korea
M.S. Department of Life Science, Handong Global University, Republic of Korea
B.S. School of Life Science, Handong Global University, Republic of Korea
Professional Experiences
2022.09 - Present Assistant Professor, Department of Neuroscience, Korea University College of Medicine
2018 - 2022 Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Immunology, Harvard Medical School
2017 - 2018 Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Biological Sciences, KAIST
Honors and Awards
2025 POSCO Science Fellowship, POSCO TJ Park Foundation (포스코사이언스펠로십, 포스코 청암재단)
2023 Ministerial Commendation for Contributions to the Advancement of Health and Medical Technology,
Ministry of Health and Welfare (보건의료 기술진흥 분야 신진연구 부문 보건복지부장관 표창)
2023 Travel Award for Excellent Presentation, Japan Neuroscience Society
2022 Publication Award for Postdoctoral Fellows in Immunology, Association of Korean Immunologists in America (AKIA)
2021 Outstanding Postdoctoral Research Fellow Award, Harvard Medical School/ Harvard School of Dental Medicine
2021 Outstanding Postdoctoral Research Award, Association of Korean Neuroscientists (AKN)
2018 Nurturing Next-generation Researcher fellowship, NRF Korea
2017 Young investigators’ session presentation award, KSBMB
2017 KSCB young scientist award, The Korean Society for Cell Biology
2012 Global Ph.D. fellowship (글로벌 박사 펠로우십), National Research Foundation of Korea
2012 Woo-Duk Yoon Duk-Byung Foundation Scholarship (우덕 윤덕병 재단 장학금)
2010 The Kwanjeong Educational Foundation Scholarship (관정 이종환 교육재단 장학금)
Graduate Students
Joori Kang (강주리), B.S. Started the MS-PhD Program in Mar 2023
MS-PhD Program
Joori earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Life Science from Handong Global University, Korea, in 2023. She is interested in understanding the mediator between the microbiome affected by maternal immune activation and T cell changes in offspring.
Taeyoung Lee (이태영), B.S Started the MS-PhD Program in Mar 2023
MS-PhD Program
Taeyoung earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Life Science and Computer Science from Handong Global University in 2023. She has joined the Kim lab to pursue a combined MS/PhD program. Her research interests lie in translational research and Metagenomics, specifically exploring how early bacteria can determine sex-specific neurodevelopmental diseases in offspring.
Jeongwoo Yu (유정우), B.S. Lab member since May 2023 and started the MS-PhD Program in Sep 2023
MS-PhD Progam
Jeongwoo earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Life Science and Counseling Psychology from Handong Global University in 2021. Her research interest lies in the interaction between the immune system and neurological diseases. Specifically, she is interested in how the microbiome and immune cells influence each other and how this interaction affects neuro-pathology. Her goal is to contribute to society by uncovering the mechanisms behind neurological diseases that are not well-understood through her research.
Junyong Shim (심준용), B.S. Lab member since Sep 2023 and started the MS-PhD Program in Mar 2024
MS-PhD Program
Junyong earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Biological Sciences from Dankook University, Korea, in August 2023. He is interested in exploring the influence of microbiota on the fate decision of T cells.
Hyeokbin Kwon (권혁빈), B.S. Lab member since Mar 2024 and started the MS-PhD Program in Sep 2024
MS-PhD Program
Hyeokbin earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Biological Sciences from Hannam University, Korea, in 2024. He is interested in researching neurological diseases such as neurodegenerative diseases and neurodevelopmental disorders, as well as the infiltration of immune cells into the brain and neuroimmune interactions.
Research assistants, Interns and Visitors
Hyeyoon Kim, M.S.
Visiting researcher
Halim Yun
Student Intern
Myounghun You, B.S.
Student Intern
Yoon Ah Kim (김윤아): Student research program @ KUCM (2024)
Jaeyeon Lim (임재연): Student research program @ KUCM (2024)
Doyeon Yun (윤도연): Student research program @ KUCM (2024)
Hyunji Lee (이현지): Student Intern (2024 fall)
Seung Eun Park (박승은) PhD: Postdoctoral Fellow (2023-2024) | Current position: Postdoctoral Fellow @ MSKCC (Dr. Gretchen Diehl lab)
Hyun Je (제현): Student Intern (2024 winter)
Jeonghyun Woo (우정현): Student Intern (2024 winter)
Yiseul Kim (김이슬): Student Intern (2023 summer)
Ile Kim (김이레): Student Intern (2023 summer)
Sangbeen Woo (우상빈): Student Intern (2023 summer)
Ruha Lee (이루하): Student Intern (2023 summer)
Daehoon Kim (김대훈): Student Intern (2023 summer)
Jiyoon Beon (변지윤) PhD: Postdoctoral Fellow (2022-2023) | Current position: Postdoctoral Fellow @ Univ. of Miami (Dr. Danny Reinberg lab)